This page is being continuously updated. It aims to serve as a one-stop hub for every Qian Group member to cover the important aspects of our students' or postdocs' academic life, i.e., from the nuts-and-bolts technical requirements to career-development, so that we can do science more efficiently. I'm committed to enable career advancement and remove barriers to opportunity for my group - talk to me in our 1:1s.
Links to useful materials:
The Qian Group Calendar and Agenda
The Qian Group Shared Resources
Instructions for New Group Member
Computational Resources and HPC:
Lawrencium (
Recommendation setup for the group
General knowledge of the topics we are interested in:
Surface Science (Courtesy to Nobel Laureate Dr. Gerhard Ertl's talk)
XPS (Courtesy to Dr. Richard Haasch's introductory talk, and here)
XAS (Courtesy to Dr. David Prendergast's talk)
IR (Courtesy to Dr. Josh Osbourn's lecture)
Pump-probe, ultrafast X-ray Science (Courtesy to Prof. Aditi Bhattacherjee's talk)
Specialized knowledge of the topics we are interested in:
Scientific Communication and Career Development:
Scientific communication guidelines (Sign up for helpful workshops Here)
Applying for a faculty position (Courtesy to Dr. Laurence Clement, sample application package from UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development)
Grant writing (Courtesy to Scientists Talk Funny, Jennifer Huber)
Example selection criteria for DOE proposals (Here)
Support for Early Career Scientists:
Learn more about Berkeley Lab's resources and policies to support better pay equity (Pay Equity Resources).
The MyFamily @ Berkeley Lab website provides a centralized location for parents and others to find information on services related to children, youth, elders, pets, and self-care.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps employees and their family members find solutions to personal and work-related challenges through counseling, consultation, assessment, and referrals. All services are voluntary, confidential, and free of charge.
We are expected to deliver world-leading scientific innovations. It can be stressful. It is important that we foreground well-being and mental health, with particular attention paid to drivers of burnout. Learn about burnouts and strategies for mitigating them (Here).
Science is hard, because we will always insist on highest expectations and standards. Doing science while supporting your family, children, and/or loved ones could be even harder. I'm committed to support my group navigating through this. If you need a little extra help, share your questions and concerns in our 1:1s. Seek support and talk with your fellow group members - we are here to help and support each other, and we strongly stand by effective, respectful group dynamics.