
This page is being continuously updated. It aims to serve as a one-stop hub for every Qian Group member to cover the important aspects of our students' or postdocs' academic life, i.e., from the nuts-and-bolts technical requirements to career-development, so that we can do science more efficiently. I'm committed to enable career advancement and remove barriers to opportunity for my group - talk to me in our 1:1s. 

Links to useful materials:

Support for Early Career Scientists:

Science is hard, because we will always insist on highest expectations and standards. Doing science while supporting your family, children, and/or loved ones could be even harder.  I'm committed to support my group navigating through this. If you need a little extra help, share your questions and concerns in our 1:1s. Seek support and talk with your fellow group members - we are here to help and support each other, and we strongly stand by effective, respectful group dynamics